Vitamin B6

By Dr. Hasina Akhter INTRODUCTION Vitamin B6 is one of the nine water soluble B vitamins. It is also known as pyridoxine (3-hydroxy-4, 5-dihydroxy-methyl-2-methylpyridine). Pyridoxal-5’-phosphate (PLP) is the coenzyme form of this vitamin that plays a vital role in more than 100…


By Perry McLimore, MD., JD. Introduction Gluten is a protein found in grassy grains such as wheat, rye, and barley. It provides elasticity to dough, and gluten helps the bread rise and keep its shape. Gluten is also used in multiple foodstuffs, cosmetics, and dermatomal preparations. For tens of thousands…

Aging and Anti-aging - A Telomere Trick

By Dr. Vaishali Kulkarni Telomeres are specific DNA-protein structures found at both ends of each chromosomes. They prevents the chromosome ends from sticking together and protecting chromosomes from degradation(1). The telomere regions are made up of repetitive nucleotide sequences. In vertebrates, the telomere sequence is TTAGGG and this…

Human Microbiome and Autoimmunity

By Suchitra Chari, MS The human microbiome comprises of all the microorganisms and their genes present in the human body. This totals to around a trillion in number found in site specific places like the skin, mouth, nasal cavities, gut and uterus. When we use the term “microbe” in the…

Body Fat and the Fat Inside your Bones affect Skeletal Health

By Dr. L. Claudia Pop, MD Osteoporosis and obesity represent increasing health burdens worldwide. Bone fragility and increased risk of fracture, resulting from bone loss and microscopic damage of the skeleton, constitute the hallmark of osteoporosis.1 BONE ACCRUAL The major predictor for osteoporosis risk later in life is peak…

Vitamin E

By Dr. Carol Yu Introduction and overview One of the fat-soluble vitamins, vitamin E is dissolvable in fat, and is typically found in a wide range of foods. Vitamin E is well known for its anti-oxidant properties [1], meaning that it can protect cells in the body against…

Which Exercise Program Best Suits You

By Dr. Swapnali Halder, Ph.D Regular exercises along with right nutrition keep our body healthy, energetic and help attain or maintain a healthy body weight. In the modern society where most people have a sedentary lifestyle with less physical activities, exercise is vital to stay fit and prevent many…

Elder Abuse: It Deserves more Attention

By Victoria Brewster, MSW What is Elder Abuse? It is abuse that is aimed towards a senior/older adult by family, friends, professionals, and society in general. It can be: financial, emotional, verbal, psychological, neglect, physical and/or sexual. It causes distress and/or harm to another, which can be…