A Tale of Two Issues: Critical Thinking and Health

Dr. Noll discusses with the students the vast career choices they can have with degree in science along with helping humanity and animals more than in any other field. She shows the students how fun a career in science is that allows you to travel the world, talk about your…

Science Careers

This session covered Science in Real Life. I showed examples of topics the students had learnt in class, and how they use them in everyday life. Talked about my own Genetics and Biochemistry Career. Once again the goal was also for students to see how fun learning science is and…

Project Healthy Redwoods

This class was creating a non-toxic hand lotion and going into business to sell it.  My tutorial covers important aspects of literature search, Critical Thinking Skills, Science Based Vs Evidence Based Information, Facts on Pesticides. As always, I only cover the topics and provide facts and let the students…

Genetic Counsellor

This tutorial covered information on who a Genetic Counsellor is, what do they do and what kind of education is needed to pursue that career. In addition, I talked about my own research work on Genetic Diseases and naked DNA Gene Therapy. View Teaching Session: https://nepris.com/sessions/session…

Vitamin B12

By Hasina Akhter, Ph.D. INTRODUCTION OF VITAMIN B12 Vitamin B12 is one of the nine water-soluble B vitamins. It is also known as cobalamin or cyanocobalamin as it contains cobalt, the essential trace element to all animals. Methylcobalamin and 5-deoxyadenosylcobalamin are other forms of this vitamin that…

Taking a BiTE® out of Cancer

By Isharpal Singh, M.S. The Next Gen approach in Immunotherapy The era of modern antibody therapy began with the Prize-winning report on the basic structure of the immunoglobulin molecule given by Rodney Porter. His findings revealed two identical antigen-binding fragments (Fab) that blocked antigen precipitation by the…

Heart Diseases in Children

By Bhavana Sachdev, MS Heart is a muscular organ that pumps blood to all parts of our body. It consists of a network of blood vessels, such as arteries, veins, and capillaries which carry blood to and from all areas of the body. Any abnormality in the structure and function…

Vitamin A

Our bodies need a variety of vitamins and minerals to work properly and keep us healthy. One of those vitamins is Vitamin A, also known as Retinol. It is an important vitamin that is not often talked about. WHAT IS VITAMIN A? Vitamin A is considered to be a fat…

Sugary Drinks and Artificial Sweeteners

[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  By Joanne P. Shelby-Klein BSN RN Drinking soft drinks, whether sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners, is a highly visible and talked about public health issue as they are believed to be major contributors to obesity and other major health problems. While it has…