Nutrition and the brain

[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  By Joanne P. Shelby-Klein BSN RN Food, it has been recognized for many years as a source of energy and building blocks for the body as well its role in preventing and treating diseases. In recent years, there has been a focus on how…

Biotin: The Underrated Vitamin

Hamsa Al-Aqqad, M.S. FIRST THINGS FIRST: WHAT ARE VITAMINS? Vitamins are organic compounds that are needed in small amounts by the body as the human system is not able to make them. They are coenzymes – components of enzymes – which speed up reactions in the body to allow for…

Calculating Required Calorie Intake and Managing a Balanced Diet

[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Margaret Ward, MS There is no doubt that a proper diet is crucial to maintain overall health and well-being. Along with the term “diet,” one frequently also hears the dreaded word “calorie” but what exactly is a calorie and what correlation does it have…

Non-Cosmetic Uses of Botox

[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] By Joanne P. Shelby-Klein BSN RN Botox, almost everyone is familiar with its cosmetic uses to help people look younger and have fewer wrinkles. Most people are not aware of the important non-cosmetic uses of this medication. Before looking at what it is…

Food, Nutrition and Weight Loss

[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  Dr. Swapnali Halder WHAT’S THERE IN YOUR FOOD Food that we eat gives us nutrients and calories1, the vital components to keep us alive. Nutrients are the substances in the food that nourish the body for growth and maintenance. Nutrient enriched food is important…

Iron - Essential Mineral for your Health

[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]  SwapnaliHalder, Ph.D. Iron is an essential mineral or micronutrient that plays versatile roles in the human body. It is a metal denoted by molecular symbol ‘Fe’, that is mostly available in either of two different chemical states, i.e, ferrous or ferric form. Iron…

Anorexia Nervosa – A General Overview

[icon name=”user” class=”” unprefixed_class=””]    Christina Ripp, MA Anorexia Nervosa is perhaps the most well-known eating disorder, in part due to the celebrity of some individuals who have suffered and recovered from the disorder. This condition is complex, with behaviors and subtypes that may be expressed differently for each…

Do antioxidant supplements prevent the benefits from exercise?

By Dr. Gary Franke Introduction Almost everyone has heard about antioxidants. These nutrients, often vitamins or minerals, are found in many types of foods and are widely considered to be beneficial. Fruits and vegetables are healthy partly because of the antioxidants they contain. The aisles of grocery and drug stores…