Unbiased Perspective Of a Biochemist On Pesticide Toxicity: Glyphosate

Meenakshi Noll, MD Ph.D Controversy on Pesticides Of course there has been too much controversy on toxicity of pesticides, especially Glyphosate in recent years that led to ‘Organic Foods’. Anything and everything that is labelled ‘Organic’ is considered to be healthier and of course the price can be ten…

Inside Information on Organic Farming

Starved for reliable information with Scientific facts? Confused with Conflicting Reports on the same topic? You have arrived at the correct place: The Scrutinizer’s One Stop Information Portal: A Unique source of trustworthy science based information. Subscribe Today and Protect yourself from Snake Oil Salesmen and Conflicting Media Reports…

Slippery Road to Pain Control: Cannabis and Opioids

Researchers continue to study both THC and CBD derived from Cannabis to see if they are effective for managing pain and can they be used as a substitute for opioid medications.The question is do they work for pain, does it work as well or better than Opioids for pain…

5 Dementia Myths

Dementia Aware: what you need to know about dementia myths and misconceptions Tracey Maxfield  Advances in health care and technology has enhanced longevity, and people are healthier and living   longer than ever before. This has resulted in an increased prevalence of dementia (Alzheimer’s Disease International & WHO, 2012). Dementia…

What You Need to Know About Intimacy, Sexuality and Behaviors in Dementia

Tracey Maxfield Dementia Awareness: What You Need to Know About Intimacy, Sexuality and Behaviors in Dementia There is a widespread assumption that as we age, we lose our sexual allure and desire. The thought of older people being sexually active is often joked about or thought of as just ‘icky…

The Scrutinizer Exposes Huffington Post: "12 Reasons to Avoid GMOs"

Recently I came across an Article from Huffpost (12/6/2017) entitled “12 reasons to avoid GMOs” by Alberto Gonzalez (owner of the restaurant GustoOrganics). The article is absolutely misleading and the information provided is baseless, which is a cause for serious concern. Mr. Gonzalez has not listed a single…

From a Joke to a Challenge- Eating Laundry Detergent Packets

Joanne P. Shelby-Klein BSN RN    A  news headline caught my eye recently and has me thinking that common sense and critical thinking has gone out the window these days. It seems a joke video entitled the “Tide Pod Challenge” has “inspired” teenagers to eat Laundry Detergent Packets and…